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Flash Fiction



(Honorable Mention, Fractured Lit microficiton contest) March 2021

"You stuff chunks of a frozen bird into your pockets. Outside, the world is spinning. A homeless man asks you for some change, so you hand him a headless bird. He holds it like a broken child. With the bird parts stuffed into your pockets, it almost feels like flying..."

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(Runner-up, Blue Earth Review Flash Contest) September 2020

"You realized one day that you had the power to create a small planet. So that’s what you did. You made a little planet that fit in the palm of your hand like a marble. You populated your planet with lots of little people. You can’t see them with the naked eye, but you know they’re there..."




(Runner-up, Molotov Cocktail Flash Contest) August 15, 2020

"When you wash ashore the morning after a lightning bolt split the mast of your little ship and sent your crew screaming into the drink, you wake up facedown on the sand and cough up all the seawater in your belly. You cough up other things too: tiny crabs, seaweed, an old skeleton key..."



Fall 2019

"He had a mask for every occasion. A mask that matched his favorite jeans. A mask that fooled his boss into believing he was hard at work. The masks he made hung along a clothesline in his basement workshop. Vacation Mask. Mask of Fatherly Concern..."

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